The Last Days of the Supermoon
I am rather pleased with this dramatic effect which happened when I tried combining the last dog walk of the evening with a photograph of the moon. Who knew that a torch could be so effective. When I first read an article by Mick Kelly the founder of ‘Grow it Yourself’ about growing garlic I…
In Spite of the Weather!
This feels like a strange spring and while I have not kept detailed records, it seems as if everything has come into blossom at the same time this year. Blackthorn, Prunus, Crab apples, Clematis and even the Salmonberry shrub are all covered in flowers and dare I say it parts of the garden look a…
For the Birds!
Prickly and Smooth Sowthistle both have lovely flowers, but look rather dishevelled as the seeds appear. I always have to resist the temptation to pull them out when they are in this state until I noticed that something has been eating the seeds on one plant in the rockery. My tolerance was rewarded the other…
In the Absence of Leaves
Winter has arrived with a bang and in an unusual collaboration with nature I planted my garlic on the day before the first heavy frost and put out all of the bird feeders. So, with any luck I will have plenty of birds throughout the winter and no vampires. Indoors, my newly planted turmeric is…
An Indian Summer
At last, we have had some rain and the garden is beginning to recover from the long hot summer. Even better I no longer have to lug gallons of water around the garden every evening. This hydrangea Madame Emile Moulier struggled in the dry weather despite growing in the shade and required careful nursing unlike…
Creating a Miniature
Woodland Garden5 January 2021 For the first year ever, I am finding it had to find work to do in the garden. This is not for lack of trying. I am thwarted by two factors. The temperature has been below zero every night for some time and daytime temperatures are little better. My hands have registered…