I was very distressed recently to discover my collie cross Millie standing beside me with a dead goldfinch in her mouth. I would like to think that she was not responsible for its death, but fear that the evidence is against her. This was one of at least forty goldfinches that have spent the winter…
Small Miracles
This plant may not look like much, but is a testament to its resilience in the face of human neglect. I have always loved box hedging and the smell instantly transports me back to childhood. In one of my gardens in Scotland, I managed to produce a full hedge from the cuttings of one plant.…
Storms, Mice and Christmas Trees
4 January 2020 My Christmas tree is growing! Many years ago, I decided that I could not justify cutting down a tree for Christmas despite the fact that I consider them an integral part of the season. I tried buying a tree in a pot, but soon realized that (a) if I used one each…