Winter Treasures
It is time to feed the birds again and I am trying to work out how I can get an accurate count of their numbers. I have four bird feeding stations and am joined each morning by one or two robins as I move from station to station. However, as the feeders are quite far…
Colour – In Spite of Everything
Regardless of the weather there is one truly sheltered spot in my garden – behind a shed. The only acer that is truly thriving resides there, where I placed it on a temporary basis when I moved into the property, but it is now there to stay. My less successful attempts have led to some…
Four-Legged Garden Pests
The yearly cycle continues as various small animals try to set up winter homes in my raised beds providing endless entertainment and exercise for my dogs. They don’t ever catch anything as the creatures are ‘savvy’ enough to pack their bags and move to safer headquarters. I used to try and stop the dogs but…
From Paradise to Paradise
Three to four times a year I have a visit from pair of bullfinches who come to feast on the berries of the spindle trees and the seeds of the Sow thistle. It is possible that they may visit more often, but I tend to see them when they are by the house where there…
After Agnes
Gardening can be a strenuous occupation. Storm Agnes, like most other storms, provided me with an extra workout as I rushed around the garden removing anything that might cause damage and moving pots to safer parts of the garden. Each time I swear that I will give up using plastic pots. However, mine are over…
This, That and the Other
Despite the constantly changing weather there is still a summer feeling to this area of the garden. The Autumn Hawkbit (which opens and closes on a regular basis in response to the showers) provides a sunny contrast to the cosmos and the Fuchsia in the background. It is a nice contrast to some of the…
An Indian Summer
This second flowering of Geum has produced a dramatic background for a mature Green Shieldbug. I don’t imagine that this is the safest place to be if you need to be inconspicuous, but it makes a lovely picture. This has been a bumper year for Puffballs and Earthballs and they have expanded their territory to…
The Little Picture
This Vapourer moth caterpillar has picked the perfect background to show off its dramatic coat – you could hardly call it a disguise! It always amazes me that I can find just one of these creatures a year when there must be many more around for the species to survive. This one was on a…
As Summer Ends
I think that this has probably been the best year for butterflies since I first moved here over thirteen years ago. All the usual favourites such as the Red Admiral, Peacock Butterfly, Small Tortoiseshell, Painted Lady and Speckled Wood are in abundance in the flower garden and copse, but there have also been many more…