Rain at Last!
Summer’s light on the hill in front of the house My water butts are almost empty, despite holding 1700 litres of water and without rain I will have to draw on my well to water the plants. The ground is as hard as a rock and you would need a jackhammer to plant anything –…
Up the Walls
23 May 2021 I have finally weaned the birds off their daily ration of bird food. It was easier than I thought. All I had to do was substitute the sunflower hearts I was providing with the cheaper mixed food and they showed their disdain by ignoring all but the sunflower seeds. I miss the…
Ne’er Cast a Clout…
9 May 2021 ’til May be out … There have been days this month when I feel as if I have woken up in another country, one that is situated far north of here. After a week of unseasonable heavy frosts, we have had three days of howling gales and pouring rain. The wind is…
Bugged and Baffled
26 April 2021 I have always had a fondness for clematis especially as it flowers so early in the year, but never had a hope of growing one upright in my exposed garden. However, I thought myself very clever when I hit on the plan to use the tops of all the dry-stone walls around…
April Blossoms
12 April 2021 Dunmanus bay Great excitement today as I had to go to the dentist. This would not be my normal response to such a trip. In fact, I have never looked forward to a visit before. However, today it meant that I was able to take a trip to Bantry town after months…
Waiting for Spring
2 April 2021 The rest of the country is basking in sunshine while this valley is shrouded in a sea mist. Coupled with a biting east wind it is not a day for outdoor gardening and it is the kind of weather when I particularly miss having a greenhouse or polytunnel to work in. For…
March Winds
16 March 2021 At last, the rain has stopped and the sun is out. The temperature has jumped ten degrees in a day and the rosemary is flowering again after a short rest. The bumble bees are feeding from the berberis and rosemary and I spotted a rather tattered peacock butterfly making a fleeting appearance.…
Water Features
6 March 2021 I was so pleased with the success of my single water lily last year that I did not realise that there was a serious design flaw in my system. In my memory frosts were rare during my childhood in Ireland and West Cork was particularly famous for its mild climate. Perhaps my…
Winter’s Relentless Grip
18 February 2021 This winter I have discovered that the ultimate in extreme gardening is no gardening at all. Despite the fact that most nights I am woken by the wind and rain pounding the house I am always optimistic that the next day will be fine. So far, my optimism has been misplaced. In…
Seashore Garden
31 January 2021 The dull wet days continue and the garden is still waterlogged and almost unworkable. Regardless of the weather, the dogs still need exercise and most days we pay a visit to the small cove below the house. Seaweed has always been an important nutrient for the garden and each winter the storms…