Gardening with Nature on the Edge of the Atlantic

Category: Weather Events

  • This, That and the Other

    Despite the constantly changing weather there is still a summer feeling to this area of the garden. The Autumn Hawkbit (which opens and closes on a regular basis in response to the showers) provides a sunny contrast to the cosmos and the Fuchsia in the background. It is a nice contrast to some of the…

  • An Indian Summer

    This second flowering of Geum has produced a dramatic background for a mature Green Shieldbug. I don’t imagine that this is the safest place to be if you need to be inconspicuous, but it makes a lovely picture. This has been a bumper year for Puffballs and Earthballs and they have expanded their territory to…

  • Disaster on the Driveway

    Disaster has struck my ash trees. This view of the top of my drive is one of my favourites. This photograph was taken in Spring when I started to plant some extra shrubs to give the birds better shelter when feeding in Winter. Sadly, once the foliage ’emerged’ or didn’t as the case may be,…

  • Bees’ Bottoms

    My hawthorn trees lost their flowers very early this season, while across the valley they remained in full bloom a week later. I only managed to make one bottle of cordial until the Crataegeus prunifolia suddenly burst into bloom. The resulting cordial is an experiment as I could not find any recipe, but hoped that…

  • Salt is Not Always Savoury

    I am usually very alert to any weather ‘events’ in the garden, but seem to have missed a recent dry wind from the south with its usual unwelcome gift of salt. The black leaves on the hydrangea are always a hint, but this time the Rosa Rugosa seem to have suffered as well. This is…

  • Beauty and the Bugs

    I am always slightly disappointed when I find a new creature described as ‘common’, when they seem very exotic to me. I rescued this Rose Chafer from the dogs a few days ago as it emerged from the cuttings in the herbaceous border. It was positively luminous and the photograph does not do it justice.…

  • In Spite of the Weather!

    This feels like a strange spring and while I have not kept detailed records, it seems as if everything has come into blossom at the same time this year. Blackthorn, Prunus, Crab apples, Clematis and even the Salmonberry shrub are all covered in flowers and dare I say it parts of the garden look a…

  • Some Good News (Despite the Weather)

      These Glistening Inkcap appear in the same place on the drive at least five times a year. They often arrive overnight and lose their lovely colour by the end of the next day. They were lucky this time to catch just a moment of sunshine in weeks of stormy weather although the powdery veil…

  • Winter Visitors

    I am not a photographer, but sometimes I have a piece of luck and this was one of these occasions. This little blue tit was resting just two feet from where I was walking and did not stir when I took the photograph. Despite being next to the path it was just ten feet from…

  • No End to Winter

    After weeks of storms, torrential rain and thunder and lightning, it is hard to imagine ever gardening again. Going out to walk the dogs, feed the birds and search for even one sign of hope in the garden all require energy and tenacity – not to mention a mountain of clothes. The dogs quickly vote…